Crossing the alps on foot

We thought that retirement is a turning point in life that should be celebrated appropriately and decided to cross the alps on foot.

We will hike from Garmisch to Sterzing – a tour perfectly organized by Ines Schmidt from

Since traveling to the starting point and from the destination home is almost only possible by railway, we changed the tour a bit and will be driving to Hotel Vierjahreszeiten in Hintertux – park our car and take the train to Garmisch – the official starting point of the journey.

When we have reached our destination Sterzing (South Tirol, Italy), we will take a Taxi to Pfitscher Joch and hike down to Schlegeis reservoir (Tirol, Austria), where our friends from Vierjahreszeiten will pick us up to stay a week with them. Next, we will be visiting friends in Murau (Steiermark) and from there finally return home.

Here is our tour (ready to book at Abenteuerwege)

Daily post will be in German but contain almost only pictures 😉

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